Natural Ingredients
Calming and antidepressant action.
Griffonia is used for the treatment of anxiety states and of extreme stress which cause a lowering of mood. The seeds of griffonia in fact contain 5-hydroxy-tryptophan (5-HTP), a precursor of serotonin. A good remedy for insomnia, it is able to restore the sleep/wake cycle.
I nutraceutici
- 5-hydroxides-tryptophan
The use of griffonia has also been proved useful for the control of nervous hunger, which often causes an uncontrollable desire for food, especially carbohydrates and simple sugars contained in sweets.
Native to tropical and humid regions of west-central Africa, griffonia is widespread, especially in Ghana, the Ivory Coast and Togo.
Antidepressant and sedative, it is used for the treatment of mild forms of depression and insomnia.